NiSi Photographer of the Month (January 2019)
Dennis Murillo
Dennis is an Electrical Engineer by profession and a Landscape Photographer by passion. He hails from the Art Capital of the Philippines, Angono, Rizal.
In 2016, he got his first DSLR and started dabbling in all kinds of photography, but having spent most of his free time hiking up mountains and camping out in remote forests, it didn’t take him long to fall in love with wild places. Since 2017, he’d made it his mission to capture compelling and unconventional images of natural landscapes.
Doing an unrelated job on weekdays, he manages to juggle work and adventure, but his ultimate dream is to be able to do landscape photography full-time. For now, he settles on his Youtube channel where he uploads videos that tell the story behind each of his shots, hopefully inspiring others to go out there and make their own adventure.
How did you start in photography?
It was late 2015 when I bought my first DSLR mainly to capture stars at night and to be the "photographer" whenever my wife, who’s a writer, has an assignment. And having spent most of my free time hiking up mountains and camping out in remote forests, it didn’t take me long to fall in love with wild places.
What is your style of photography?
I love doing Landscape Photography and all styles that fall under it.
What made you pursue vlogging together with photography and how do you manage to combine both?
I want to show how it is really to be a Landscape Photographer. I want to show the adventure it takes to make an image and hopefully, to inspire others to do Landscape Photography just like how I was inspired by the Youtube videos of Thomas Heaton. It was really hard at first (but TBH, it still is hard), but I think you just need to watch lots of vlogs of other people, even those who are not into Landscape Photography so you'll get some pointers on how to take videos yourself. And of course practice. It’s really hard talking to a camera, so you really need to practice a lot so you'll get use to it. You’ll also learn to think of video footage you'll need while looking for composition on location.
How important are filters to your style and why do you prefer NiSi? Which are your favorite?
Filters for me are very important in my Landscape Photography. They really help me capture what I envision and get the image right (or at least, close to being right) while on location so my time sitting down and post-processing will be lessened.
I really like NiSi Filters because I haven’t encountered any color cast and light leak issue in my one year of using it. My favorites are the CPL and the 10-Stop ND filter of the Nisi Starter Kit. I just love how the CPL removes or improves the glare in my images.
What advice can you give to budding photographers and vloggers?
Just enjoy the process. Not to hurry. The world doesn’t need another photographer so be a photographer for yourself and not for the world. And if you really want to learn fast about Landscape Photography, or in any style of photography, attending workshops and shooting with other photographers will really help you a lot.
For Vlogging, my first advice is don't do it for money. Do it because you really want to document your life. If ever being shy to speak to a camera in public is your problem, call a friend that can accompany you to vlog while in public or you can tell the public that you will be vlogging so they will not be too curious. Last is watch a lot of photography vlogs so you can get ideas on filming. Remember, we are photographers not videographers so don't be too hard on yourself.
Nisi V5 Pro + 10-Stop ND Filter
Nisi V5 Pro + CPL
Nisi V5 Pro + CPL & 3-Stop Soft GND Filter
Nisi V5 Pro + 3-Stop Soft GND Filter
Nisi V5 Pro + CPL
Nisi V5 Pro + 3-Stop Soft GND Filter
How to be featured.
Each month we will be choosing a photographer from our local community who uses NiSi filters in capturing their photographs and consistently produces exemplary work. At the end of the year, we will be choosing the photographer of the year among the monthly winners. The NiSi Filters Philippines Photographer of the Year will be receiving special gifts from NiSi Optics PH. So every time you post your photos on social media, don’t forget to use the hashtag #nisiopticsph and indicate your NiSi Filters setup.